How the connection process works?

  • Each Booking Centre has been set up with an Agent account in Rezdy
  • Tour Operators using Rezdy will need to send their ‘Negotiated Rates’ to each Agent via their Rezdy account. They can contact the Rezdy Support team for assistance.
  • Once this is completed, the operator or Centre can contact Bookeasy Support to request the connection inside Bookeasy. 
  • Bookeasy Support will connect & sync the selected operator/product provided via Rezdy
  • Booking Centres can then follow the usual process of making bookings via the Bookeasy Staff Console or Destination Website.

Note 1: Operators need to ensure they are sharing products with the correct Agent account and to choose 'full payment to agent' as a payment method.

Note 2: If Operators have any questions on how to share their products in Rezdy, they will need to contact Rezdy Support directly for assistance.

Things to note before the connection:

  • Each operator supplied by Rezdy is required to be connected to their Bookeasy Mothership first.
  • The connection with each Centre is unique, so every Centre needs to be linked individually
  • When Bookeasy connects an operator, there is an option to map them to an existing Bookeasy operator console or import as a new operator. If Bookeasy maps an operator supplied by Rezdy to an existing operator console, the operator’s existing tour product will be archived and not bookable via the Staff Console or Destination Website (only the Rezdy supplied tours).
  • Once the connection is established, Bookeasy recommends you check the operator’s setup via their Bookeasy console.
  • The maintaining of inventory, rates and availability is managed directly via Rezdy, not via Bookeasy. Operators won't be allowed to make any changes on those areas directly in Bookeasy.

Note: Please ignore the information about rate types, availability and pricing options imported into the Bookeasy console after the connection is established, these are indicative only. All rates and availability are quoted live when adding to cart and making a booking