Airbnb Commission changes
Airbnb generically deducts a flat 15% host service fee from each payout and won’t charge a guest service fee.

There are two separate timelines depending on where hosts are located:  

For hosts in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and South Korea, service fees will be changing on November 1st 2020.  
On September 1st, Airbnb have sent an email to all software-connected hosts with listings in Australia and New Zealand to let them know that their fee structure will change on November 1. 

This help center article is the best resource to explain to hosts who are interested in adjusting prices up to cover the new fee structure in ResOnline directly.

What will change: 
Today, software-connected hosts can choose between 2 service fee structures: split-fee pricing with the service fee shared between hosts and guests, and host-only fee with the entire service fee covered by the host. After November 1st 2020, split-fee pricing will no longer be available to software-connected hosts with listings in Australia and/or New Zealand and the service fee will be set at 15% for all hosts.

This means:
  • The service fee structure will change for software-connected hosts in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Airbnb deduct a flat 15% host service fee from each payout and won’t charge a guest service fee
  • Existing bookings won’t be affected, but this change will apply to all bookings made after November 1st, 2020.
  • Hosts on a 14% host only fee structure as of August 30th 2020 will maintain a 14% service fee until December 31st 2020. After that, their service fee will increase to 15%
Host Communication: Airbnb will be sending email communication throughout the notice period to ensure hosts are informed of the change.

Webinar: Airbnb will be scheduling an ANZ host webinar after the announcement in September.

Guide to adjust Airbnb rates:
Airbnb expects that some hosts will want to adjust the rates they are pushing to Airbnb to compensate for this change. Please reach out to ResOnlione support if you need assistance with updating your rates to Airbnb

Emails to affected users:  On September 1st, Airbnb Have sent an email to all software-connected hosts with listings in Australia and New Zealand to let them know that their fee structure will change on November 1


For hosts in all other countries (except US, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Argentina, Taiwan, and Uruguay), the new simplified fee structure will roll out on December 7th. The change will be taking place at 00:00 UTC.   
Starting December 7, 2020, we’re moving most of our software-connected hosts with listings to a host-only fee structure called simplified pricing. If a host has listings in certain countries—and is connected to Airbnb by third-party software—they will be affected by this change.

Airbnb letting you know about this change so you can stay informed, update relevant documentation, and share the attached PDF with hosts.

What’s changing
Today, software-connected hosts can choose between 2 service fee structures: split-fee pricing with the service fee shared between hosts and guests, and simplified pricing with the entire service fee covered by the host.

After December 7, 2020, split-fee pricing will no longer be available to most software-connected hosts. Split fee pricing will only be available to software connected hosts with a majority of their listings in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Argentina, Taiwan and Uruguay.

This means:
The service fee structure will change for software-connected hosts, unless the majority of their listings are in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Argentina, Taiwan and Uruguay.
  • Airbnb will deduct a flat 15% host service fee from each payout and won’t charge a guest service fee.
  • Existing bookings won’t be affected, but this change will apply to all bookings made after December 7, 2020.
  • Hosts already using simplified pricing will have a 14% service fee until January 1, 2021. After that, their service fee will increase to 15%.

    Why Airbnb making this change
    Simplified pricing gives hosts more control over the final prices guests pay. They set what they want guests to pay, and no additional guest fee is added on top.

    Since we started offering simplified pricing, we saw that hosts who used it and priced competitively across websites increased their bookings by an average of 17%*. Plus, it’s a better experience for guests—they prefer to book places that don’t have a guest fee.

    What Airbnb asking you to do
    • Hosts can refer to Airbnb service fees Help Center page for Australia, New Zealand, Thailand & South Korea.
    • Review the attached PDF that includes additional details and tips for hosts to update their prices to ensure their earnings don’t change.
    • This help center article is the best resource to explain hosts who are interested in adjusting prices up to cover the new fee structure in ResOnline.   

  • If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your Airbnb Customer Support team